Rooted in Resilience

The path to a sustainable future can be arduous. Still, our belief in the imperative to green the sugar cane industry in Mauritius remains unabated, and we are steadily progressing towards this goal through carefully chosen strategic partnerships. Members of the Mauritius Sugar Syndicate are committed to the efficient use of natural resources to achieve a more resilient supply chain while upholding ethical, environmental, and social principles.

In Mauritius, we favour green cane harvesting over pre-harvest burning, a technique which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contributes to the well-being of our cane growers, workers and communities.

As the country progresses towards the circular economy paradigm, we remain committed to leveraging our efforts to contain our carbon and water footprints. The use of bagasse and cane trash for the production of electricity, and wastewater for the irrigation of sugar cane fields, have proved fruitful. Whether in the fields or in the mills, our people are empowered to protect the island’s fragile ecosystems.


We strive to implement our sustainable development goals through key partnerships and international accreditations.


A significant part of the sugar produced by the island’s small farmers is exported by the Mauritius Sugar Syndicate under the Fairtrade label. The premium obtained from these sales helps improve farm sustainability and profitability, thus increasing planters’ resilience. Thanks to Fairtrade, we help support rural livelihoods.


The Bonsucro certification is a way for us to connect sugar cane growers, processors, and food companies committed to sustainability along the sugar cane value chain. We have at heart the alignment of the cane growers’ community to the Bonsucro standards as these ensure that the producers derive benefits from the sugar cane production, that all workers are treated fairly, and that supply chains become traceable and sustainable.

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This Sustainable Development Program exemplifies our efforts to support the farming community through the establishment of close and vibrant planter–client relationships. Through on-the-ground training, assistance and monitoring made possible by supplementary funding from the project owners, planters are able to sustain yields whilst reducing dependency on chemical fertilisers. The program also aims to inspire young professionals to join the sugar cane industry and support sugar cane supplying co-operatives in the long term.